Programmatically move columns in the .NET WinForms DataGrid
Columns in a DataGrid appear in the order that their ColumnStyles
were added to the TableStyle being used by the
grid. To change this order you must create a new TableStyle and add the
ColumnStyles in the desired order as this illustrates.
Public Sub MoveColumn(theDataGrid As DataGrid, theMappingName As String, _
theOldColumn As Integer, theNewColumn As Integer)
If theOldColumn = theNewColumn Then Return
Dim oldTS As DataGridTableStyle = theDataGrid.TableStyles(theMappingName)
Dim newTS As New DataGridTableStyle()
Dim i As Integer = 0
newTS.MappingName = theMappingName
While i < oldTS.GridColumnStyles.Count
If i <> theOldColumn And theOldColumn < theNewColumn Then
End If
If i = theNewColumn Then
End If
If i <> theOldColumn And theOldColumn > theNewColumn Then
End If
i += 1
End While
End Sub
' Sample call:
MoveColumn(myDataGrid, "Customers", 3, 1)
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